Futur[e]cho 2015

Our 2015 edition of Futur[e]cho brings in a lot of new faces, retains some old ones and has a great feel of atmospheric techno. Everyone went above and beyond what we thought possible for tracks and this release will for sure surprise you. Lots of artists try out new styles to entice the listener that the music can always change as time goes by. Futur[e]cho 2015 is more of a chilled out bliss release, but still very much fits the themes of the series. So why don’t you take a journey along with us?



  1. Substak – Indigo Dub
  2. Advanced Dreams – Walking Under Water
  3. Heisa – Znaniya
  4. Protuberance – Winter Forecast
  5. Warmth – Areal
  6. sub.made – The Fall
  7. Dwn Cx – The Light’s Out
  8. Oliver Dombi – Worthless
  9. Edmahnd – Refractive
  10. Zander One – Eroded
  11. DeepWarmth – High Point
  12. Owen Ni – Sierra
  13. As If Floating
  14. Coppice Halifax – Redoubt
  15. aspect. – justified.


1 hour 45 minutes 20 seconds

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